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Supplier Resources

Quality Requirements for Purchase Orders:

All purchase orders are subject to the quality provisions contained in GPP-001. The revision in effect on the date an order was issued will remain in effect for an order unless stipulated otherwise in a purchase order amendment.

PPG Aerospace Supplier Audit and Risk Assessment Form_Rev-4

PPG Supplier Deviation Request MRB Waiver Form rev 02

In addition, QC22-002 will apply to all purchase orders from the Huntsville plant for tooling.

General Purchase Order Terms and Conditions:

EEO Notice for Subcontractors, Vendors and Suppliers_Rev 8.31.20

Supplier Updates and Invoicing Requirements

The following criteria should be used to select the appropriate set of Purchase Order Terms and Conditions for any PO issued from a PPG Aerospace site:

Non Inventory or Expense Items (Indirect, non-production, consumable, and taxable) utilize FORMAEROUS001 Commercial Items

For Inventory Items (productive materials, direct materials, third party items, and non-taxable) utilize FORMAEROUS002 Commercial Items under Government Contracts (5-15-2020)*

*For Archived Terms and Conditions, please refer to Archived Supplier Resources

For POs issued from a Canadian location use this document:

For POs issued from an Asia Pacific location use this document:

The revision in effect on the date of any given purchase order, when issued, will remain in effect for the purchase order unless stipulated otherwise in a purchase order amendment.

All exceptions to the PPG Terms and Conditions or Quality Provisions must be approved in writing. All such agreed to changes must be documented on the face of the purchase order.

If there are any questions pertaining to the applicable Terms and Conditions or Quality provisions, please contact your PPG Aerospace Buyer.